Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Once More to the Lake

The writer of this article is very talented at writing. He is a very descriptive writer and very vivid in his memories. It is almost like he is writing about something that just happened yesterday. However, I am bored with his story very easily. I guess it's because the story he tells just drags on and on with seemingly no end in sight. It’s nothing personal to the author at all. This, in fact, is an essay that some people would enjoy to read very much. You can pretty much picture the lake he talks about or relate his story of his vacations to vacations of your own. I know my family goes to a lake every summer and I can totally see myself taking my kids up to that lake when I have them. I guess, for me, it just wasn't my style of writing to read if you want me to be completely honest. My style is short, sweet, and to the point. I also enjoy stories with more conflict in them.  Conflict makes the story more interesting, in my honest opinion. That is ok though because everyone has their own opinions. It’s totally ok for people to disagree with me. 

1 comment:

Blogs for Comp. said...

Personally I don’t agree with the fact that the story drags on. He’s talking about all different times in his life that are important. It’s like getting to know him better throughout his story. You get to realize that these are things that over time you are going to be able to enjoy with your own child to.
The one thing that I do agree with is that it’s not my type of story either. I’m more the type of person who would do romance and everything not something like this. I think having conflict is a good thing because normally it would keep you interest in the story more.