Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Whole Horse

This essay was very boring to me. It seemed very scattered at all times. The author used terms that most likely no one knew and didn’t bother to explain them until two paragraphs later. It took me several times of reading this essay to understand what the author was trying to get through to us, the readers. This is all I got from it. Apparently the author is in love with the environment and is totally against companies trying to change the environment. I’m pretty sure that isn’t what the author meant the essay to be about either. This essay was just very frustrating and I think the author should quit writing. This is horrible in comparison to all the other essays you have had us read. I hope I do not offend anyone by writing this but this is how I really feel.


Ashley said...

Honestly, I do not think that u read over the story several times because after reading it once, I felt completely drained. In my opinion, the author was just writing about the views that he has compared to the industrialized views. He is an agrairian that believes farming should be more important nowadays. When he wrote about his love for the environment, he was just trying to exaggerate the negative affects industrialism. The passage was somewhat confusing but I do believe that I somewhat understood what the author was trying to convey.

Rachael said...

I agree that this essay was extremely boring, but I would not quite go to the point to say that the author should never write again. He did make a good point in saying that we are never satisfied with what we have, but I think that he could have explained it all better in a shorter essay. He did nothing but merely explain what is already obvious in a frighteningly dull way.