Thursday, September 11, 2008

remembering essay

I agree with this article because I believe that when writing memoirs and other kind of stories like that, remembering is very important. You may have pictures of the event you are writing about but you still have to remember some of it. The author of this article states that when you are telling a story that you should use all your senses to describe it. Describe what you smelled and what you saw. Describe what you heard and what you tasted. I agree because it defiantly puts the reader more into the story. Also, the author says that you can trigger other peoples’ memories by being very descriptive which is very true. Most people can relate to others’ stories.

I do not agree with how the author says to read a remembering essay. I think the author’s way is too long and drawn out. Most people would lose interest after they read it the second time.

When writing a remembering essay, the author and I tend to disagree on some points. I think that her ideas for topics are good. Writing about things that you have experienced are good ways to start. I do not think, however, that you should write it on someone you never met like a famous person. I do not think you should use any resources other than your own mind to write remembering essays. All in all, I enjoyed this article but did not really learn anything new.

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