Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why We Crave Horror Movies

I love how Stephen King started out by saying he “thinks we’re all mentally ill”. It catches my attention right off the bat and kind of makes me chuckle a little bit. I love how he goes into detail after that to say why he said that. I totally understood what he was saying after he explained it. I didn’t even have to think about what he meant. He makes it very informative as well, not just gore and blood talk. He goes more into depth about why he thinks psychologically we crave horror movies. Also, at the same time, he keeps throwing his little bit of humor into the essay to hold the reader’s attention. He also uses movie references, which could be beneficial to keeping reader’s attention. It didn’t do anything for me because I do not watch horror movies but I can see where it would hold others’ attention. I also enjoyed where he brought up “status quo of civilization” because I have often tired of the same old movie plots over and over again and he really does bring up a good point that horror movies do not fit into the status quo. I still will never watch a horror movie though.

1 comment:

Matt. said...

I agree with you entirely, it was really one of the better articles we have read. I can relate to what you are saying about hating that a lot of movies have the same plots; unfortunately even for people who watch, love, and/or crave horror films even they are becoming static. They used to be outside the norm, they weren’t “the status quo” but now it seems they are every summer the movie industry rolls out a few more terrible horror movies. It’s gotten to the point where if you are an avid fan you could (for the most part) predict how the modern horror movie will play out.