Sunday, September 7, 2008

Walking by Henry David Thoreau

I strongly agree with Henry David Thoreau. He is right in the fact that if we take care of nature we are taking care of our planet. We are destroying natural habitats of animals that provide food for us. In place of the natural habitats, we are building high rises. I see this especially in Naples. Some places are better about keeping habitats in tact than others but no one does it 100%. I am also like Thoreau because I would love to have more natural resources around us. I guess what Thoreau would love is a world where we had just left everything as it was and not destroyed all the other habitats. All I want is to cut out the unnecessary destroying of habitats.

He also says that he believes some people eat just to eat. This is destroying the amount of food that everyone has and the number of animals left on the earth. He says that Indians only ate what was needed. I tend to agree that people eat more than they should. The obesity rate in America alone is sky high. Even though there are some people who have medical conditions, I believe a lot of people just eat too much. All in all I think Thoreau has the completely right idea about our respect for the environment and how we should change that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You make some awesome points! I totally agree with everything you are saying. I think there should be more habitat conservation throughout the entire world and it should be enforced as a law. Too much wild life is being cut down continuously and it's repulsive. I believe if more groups of people got together and fought for what we believe in (i.e. in this case saving our Earth) than I think we can accomplish our goals. Many people say they 'go green' but are not doing as much as they can.