Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In Defense of Talk Shows

I agree with the author of “In Defense of Talk Shows” one hundred percent. Talk shows get such a bad reputation now a days and I do not think they deserve the reputations given to them. Most talk shows that I watch, such as Regis and Kelly, do not even mention the negatives. All the ones that are considered controversial now look down upon people who make the wrong decisions or choices in their lives. The talk show hosts do not approve of these mistakes. The people are not put on a pedestal or idolized in any way. Never have I ever looked at a person on Maurey and gone “Jeez I wish I was like them,” and I probably never will. Whoever said that talk shows are not good to watch obviously does not watch them. I love talk shows and I am still a good person. So are all my friends and my thirteen year old cousin. It is so wrong to put shows down when you haven't even given them a chance.


rachel groening said...

I agree with you also. Talk shows on TV display things that degrade the type of people that go onto the shows. The talk shows hosts on these shows make it seem right to display this behavior and that it is normal. The people on these shows also go on there only for attention and not really and advice from the "experts" who are on the show. I think that the talk shows on TV are a joke and are very fake.

Michelle said...

Some talk shows liek Regis and Kelly, or Oprah dont deserve bad eputations. Ones like Jerry Springer do because they show trashy people with an audience rooting for them. They shouldnt be praised for teh mitakes tehy make in life. Good people should be rewarded like when Oprah gives out money to people who need it. I also never watch people on Maury and say "Wow I wish I could eb like them". Even though Maury is a good host and tries to help people, he is representing the wrong people.