Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reading and Writing Problem Solving Essays

I found this to be quite boring. Maybe it’s because I absolutely despise reading about how to write. I am a free spirited writer who likes to write in a unique way. I hate “molding” into other peoples’ idea of “good” writing.

But I digress; this essay will really help those “writing challenged” people that take this class. The ones that are skilled in science but have difficulties with writing will find great use of this essay.

It points out some really good tips. It helps to convince the reader that writing a problem solving essay is possible. This is kind of neat considering that as the reader, you are trying to figure out how to persuade other people that doing a task is possible.

As far as reading the essays go, they walk you through step by step as to how to read it.  It seems kind of ridiculous but, as I said before, it is good for those who have issues with English. For me, however, I was totally bored to death of this whole essay. I hate to seem conceited but I am decent at persuasion essays and I am so not a conformist to how everyone else wants me to write.


Karina said...

It's too bad that you found this reading to be boring....maybe it's not the most interesting reading we've had so far but I found it very informative and helpful. It's very good that you are a unique writer with your own sense of style of writing but like you said this is good for the people that aren't such good writers, and don't enjoy it either like me. Also I am a very organized type of person so for me it's so helpful when a book or essay goes step-by-step on good tips to help in essay or research papers. It’s very good that you are a good writer and should take pride in that, and don't worry about acknowledging that you are a decent writer does not have to make you a conceited person.

Kerry said...

I agree with you, being told how to do something that can moderately be considered creative is like pulling teeth. In my mind its like being given an idea and told to run with it as you would, and ten given strict guidelines to follow. This essay specifically I had to start six times before I could finish the whole thing, it was almost too 'textbook'.