Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Argument Culture

I thoroughly enjoyed this essay. It brought up several good points. The author brought up the fact that debates really don’t show both sides equally but just shows the two sides fighting against each other. We, as a society, do need to find better ways to settle our disputes. We need to be more civil when we disagree and not argue like 5 year olds.

I agree when he says it is ok to fight to defend our country, our rights, and ourselves. We cannot always think there are two sides to an argument. This causes us to doubt facts. I agree that words are very powerful. They really do have the strength to change the way you look at a situation. They can turn your opinion inside out.

I tend to kind of disagree when the author says that technology puts us in a bubble. I still communicate normally with people and am not just focused on talking to my friends online. I talked to my roommate online and got to know her before we moved in together that way. On the other hand, I have been the result of some cyber bullying so I can see where the author is coming from.

All in all, I think the author makes a lot of very strong points. Why should I argue with him? We all have our own opinions and nothing is going to change that.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I agree that debates dont show both sides equally and that it just shows them fighting. We do need to agree more and that would only happen if people could stop being selfish and wanting to always be right. When there are only two sides, one person could say something and it could change what your thinking. Then to continue to be right in the argument, they end up lying. There needs to be more than two sides in an argument.